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The Company holds 100% interest in the majority of the Gregory River VMS-trend, and several high-priority copper-gold targets, along with a cluster of high-grade copper-gold vein-type structures that occur just east of the VMS-trend. The Property is located on the west coast of the province of Newfoundland and Labrador, 42 km north northwest of the city of Corner Brook, and 53 km west of the city of Deer Lake.

In July 2022, the Company completed the acquisition of Golden Horizon Exploration Corp. (“Golden Horizon”) and through this, an option to acquire 100% interest in the Gregory River Property. On December 7th, 2022, two additional key licences were added to the Property, further consolidating Golden Spike’s land position. On June 22, 2023 the Company announced that it has completed the terms of the option and now holds 100% interest in Gregory River. On July 8 the Company staked an additional adjacent licence, adding 1,625 hectares of exploration potential to the south and west of the Property.

The Gregory River Property is now comprised of 18 mostly contiguous mineral licences covering approximately 5,050 hectares. Access to the coastal town of Trout River from Deer Lake is very good, along paved highways and from there the property can be accessed along a network of unmaintained 4-wheel drive roads, ATV trails and footpaths. Alternatively, access is available by helicopter from the town of Pasadena, approximately 50 kilometers to the southeast.

The Property lies approximately 27 kilometres north-northeast of the York Harbour deposit, a Cyprus-type, copper-zinc-silver VMS deposit, which was historically in small-scale production during the early part of the 1900’s and is currently being explored by York Harbour Metals. The Gregory River Property occurs along the same trend of prospective VMS-style mineralization as the York Harbour deposit and is hosted in the northern continuation of the same Bay of Islands ophiolitic sequence of basaltic, gabbroic, and ultramafic rocks with their fragmental equivalents.    

Mineralization hosted on adjacent and/or nearby properties is not necessarily indicative of mineralization hosted on the Company’s Property.


The Gregory River Property is located on the western margin of Newfoundland hosted within the Bay of Islands Ophiolite Complex, within the Humber Arm Allochthon of the Humber Laurentia Zone. The property is centered over an approximately 11-kilometer-long stretch of the Gregory River volcanogenic massive sulphide (VMS) belt, a north-northeast trending corridor of very prospective ground for precious and base metal mineralization. In addition, the Property hosts a cluster of high-grade copper-gold vein structures that occur just east of the VMS-belt.

The geology of the property is underlain by a faulted and variably deformed, north-northeast trending sequence of ultramafic to mafic intrusive rocks, including dunites, pyroxenites, gabbros, sheeted diabase dikes, basaltic pillow lavas and narrow zones of sedimentary rocks of the Lower Ordovician Bay of Islands Ophiolite Complex. A broad, regional north-northeast trending, gently plunging synform is interpreted to run through the southern portion of the property, with associated local anticlinal fold pairs, and possibly continuing further north. The north-northeast trending Gregory River Fault transects the western portion of the property along with numerous associated fault splays and localized zones of shearing and brecciation. The Gregory River fault and several cross-cutting structures appear to be spatially associated with many of the VMS and lode-style prospects on the property.

The VMS-style prospects at Gregory River are believed to be Cyprus-type deposits and are mostly hosted within basaltic units close to the contact with gabbro and are generally located to the east of the Gregory River Fault. VMS prospects identified on the Property include Lode 9, Gregory River, Moose Brook/Camp Brook*, and Steep Brook/Deep Brook prospects.


Intermittent historical exploration over the property, and within the district, has been carried out by numerous companies since high-grade copper mineralization was first discovered in the early 1920’s. Historical work consisted of prospecting, geological mapping and sampling, stream sediment and soil sampling, airborne and ground geophysical surveys. In the 1950’s two small exploration adits, approximately 30 and 90 metres in length, were excavated at the Mitchell and Palmer prospects, respectively. Subsequent exploration, until the 1970’s, mainly focused on vein-style mineralization and led to the discovery of multiple, high-grade, copper ± gold veins and structures at the Court A, B, & C, Hall, Palmer, Lodes 2, 6, & 7, and Mitchell prospects.

In the northeast quadrant of the property there are several south-easterly to north-easterly-trending high-grade copper mineralized veins and structures which include the Hall, Palmer, Lodes 6 & 7, Court A, B, & C and Mitchell prospects. These sulphide-rich veins are generally 0.5 metres to 2 metres in width, but locally as wide as 5 to 6 meters. Historical surface sampling, diamond drilling and two underground exploration adits have traced these structures for distances ranging from several meters to more than 350 metres along strike, along which copper grades generally average around 2% to 5% but are often in excess of 10% copper. Historically, gold was not consistently assayed, but indications are that anomalous gold grades in the range of 0.1 g/t to 3.0 g/t are locally associated with the copper mineralization, along with anomalous silver, zinc and cobalt. Historical sampling generally focused on the highest-grade portion of the vein and potential exists for wider mineralized haloes to surround the main veins and for the discovery of new veins hidden below the extensive surface soil and till cover.

Starting in the early 1980’s companies continued to evaluate the potential of the veins, but also started focusing more on the potential for stratabound, Cyprus-type, VMS copper-zinc-silver-gold mineralization on the property and in the district, with the most comprehensive programs by Riocanex (Rio Tinto; 1981 to 1982), Duval (1981 to 1985), Noranda (1991 to 1992) and Playfair Mining (2005 to 2008). Their work led to the discovery of several VMS-style mineralized showings and prospects, both on and adjacent to the property.

Since acquiring the Property, Golden Spike has been reviewing and digitizing all of the historical information, dating back to the 1920’s to assist with target delineation and planning for follow-on exploration. This includes downloading and indexing dozens of exploration files from the Newfoundland and Labrador Government’s GeoAtlas, including geological reports, diamond drilling and soils/till sampling logs and assay results, detailed geological maps, geochemical sampling results and geophysical survey data.

The Property has not seen any significant activity since 2008 and still remains largely underexplored.


Approximately 38 shallow core holes, averaging less than 100 meters in length were drilled to test the vein-style targets at the Court A (17 holes) and Hall/Palmer (11 holes) prospects.  In addition, 10 core holes, averaging just over 100 meters in length were drilled to test VMS targets at Camp Brook/Moose Brook (5 holes*), Lode 9 (4 holes) and Steep Brook (2 holes). Three of the VMS targeted holes, one from each target, were abandoned at fairly shallow depths due to drilling problems.

Select significant historical down-hole drill results from Noranda’s 1991 drilling at Lode 9, Duval’s 1984 drilling at Steep Brook, and Playfair Mining’s 2006 drilling at Camp Brook/Steep Brook*, include:

  • Lode 9: 0.93% copper and 0.27 g/t gold over 20.2 m (hole 91-2 from 38.0 to 58.2 m)
    • Including, 2.12% copper and 0.60 g/t gold over 7.2 m (51.0 to 58.2 m)
  • Steep Brook: 0.12% copper over 65.6 m (hole CC-2 from 70.6 to 136.2 m)
    • Including, 0.37% copper over 3.4 m (80.0 to 83.4 m)
  • Camp Brook/Moose Brook: 0.33% Cu, 0.45% Zn, 0.54 g/t Au over 21 m (Playfair hole GGR-06-04, 5.8 - 28.8 m)
    • Including, 0.78% Cu, 1.05% Zn and 1.19 g/t Au over 8.3 m (6.3 - 14.6 m).

*The Camp Brook/Moose Brook prospect straddles the west boundary of one of the licences on the Property and portions of the mineralization may occur on an adjacent property. Insufficient drilling has been done to estimate the true widths of the drilled intervals.

Select historical down-hole drill results* from the 1950’s drilling at the Court A Vein Prospect are shown below:

  • 2.13% Cu over 6.1 m (hole 1 from 90.5 to 96.6 m)
  • 4.40% Cu over 2.1 m (hole 2 from 87.5 to 89.6 m)
  • 4.71% Cu over 1.8 m (hole 5 from 94.2 to 96.0 m)
  • 4.65% Cu over 1.5 m (hole 6 from 71.3 to 72.8 m)
  • 9.60% Cu over 2.7 m (hole 10 from 76.2 to 78.9 m)
  • 4.81% Cu over 1.2 m (hole 13 from 74.4 to 75.6 m)

Documentation of most of the historical drill holes is very limited, especially for the pre-1950’s holes drilled at the vein-type prospects. Historical sampling of much of the drill core from these holes was very selective and only the highest-grade sulphide mineralization was assayed. In many holes only one or two samples were collected per hole, even though drill logs indicate the presence of narrow chalcopyrite stringers adjacent to the main veins in several of the holes. In addition, no assay data exists for some of the holes and very few of the historical drill holes have been kept.

*Gold was not analyzed for these holes. True widths are estimated to be approximately 60% of drilled widths

Since very little of the historical core has been kept, the QP is not able to validate all of the historical drill results. Historical core from hole CC-2 is stored in a government of Newfoundland core shed and representative portions have been re-sampled by the Company returning an approximate similar range of copper grades. Since the companies that collected the historical drilling data were mid-size to large, reputable companies that would have had sampling methodologies and quality control processes in place that were considered industry-standard for that time, the QP feels that it is reasonable to report these results as historical and provide a use guide for future exploration at these prospects.


Airborne Magnetic Survey (March 2022)

In March 2022 Golden Horizon completed an airborne magnetic survey over the Property, as well as target-focused prospecting and sampling. This magnetic survey has been very useful in the on-going interpretation of the mineral potential of the Property and especially the delineation of lithologies, structures/faults and folds and other potentially mineralization hosting structures on the Property. 

Reconnaissance Sampling Program (August/September 2022)

Shortly after acquiring the Property Golden Spike initiated a prospecting and sampling program at selected target areas in the northern half of the Property (Golden spike Announces Reconnaissance Sampling Results). 

Program highlights include: 

  • 43 reconnaissance rock samples were collected from three volcanogenic massive sulphide (“VMS”) targets (Gregory River, Lode 9 and Moose Brook) and several vein-style targets (Court B, Court C, East of Lode 9, Hall, Palmer, Lode 2, Lode 6-7, Gossan Zone, Lower Mitchell); 
  • many samples returned highly anomalous copper and gold values, including: 
  • 15 samples returned values greater than 1% copper, up to 18.7% copper
  • 8 samples returned values greater than 0.50 g/t gold, up to 5.02 g/t gold
  • Two channel chip sample lines were collected at the Lower Mitchell vein-style target and returned anomalous values of copper, gold, zinc and silver. 
  • Chanel #2 at Lower Mitchell returned 2.73% copper, 0.14 g/t gold and 0.34% zinc over 5 metres, including 12.9% copper, 0.23 g/t gold, 11.5 g/t silver and 0.27% zinc over 1 metre

Soil Sampling (November/December 2022)

A program of wide-spaced soil sampling was completed over an approximate 1.6-kilometre by 2.0-kilometre grid at the Vein Zone (Golden Spike Announces Soil Sampling Results and Receipt of Exploration Permits). The survey comprised of 203 soil samples, collected at 200-metre line spacing and 50-metre sample spacing, targeting the B-horizon soil layer. Due to difficult weather conditions and the boggy terrain overlying much of the Vein Zone, several of the proposed soil sample locations were not successfully collected leaving occasional data gaps in the grid.

The range of analytical values received for each significant element from the Vein Zone soil survey are as follows:

  • Copper: 6 - 1,040 ppm
  • Zinc: 20 - 412 ppm
  • Gold: <5 - 74 ppb
  • Arsenic: 3 - 329 ppm
  • Cobalt: 7 - 103 ppm

The soil sampling highlights are as follows:

  • Soil results reveal several northwest to southwest-trending, multi-element anomalies with copper ± zinc, gold, cobalt and arsenic values.
  • The linear soil anomalies overlap with, or occur adjacent to, the locations of known veins at the Court A, B, and C prospects, but also continue for more than one kilometre along strike over areas with no previous documented exploration.
  • The soil survey also reveals additional multi-element anomalies providing compelling exploration targets for new veins.

2023 Exploration

Induced Polarization/Resistivity Survey (April 2023)

Golden Spike completed an Induced Polarization/Resistivity (“IP”) Survey at the Lode 9 Target during April 2023 (Golden Spike Announces IP Survey Results over the Gregory River Property).

The Lode 9 grid comprised of 11, east-west oriented, 100-metre spaced lines, each ranging between 400m and 950m in length and together totaling approximately 7.75 line-kilometres.  The lines were surveyed using a pole-dipole configuration with “A”-spacing (electrode intervals) of 50m and “N” (“depth”) values from 1 to 6. The survey was performed on newly cut and chained grid lines and all electrode stations were subsequently measured with differential GPS positioning for greater accuracy.

The survey was designed to outline potential chargeable and resistive features that could indicate the presence of VMS-style alteration and associated sulphide mineralization, and to identify new drill targets. The survey results are very encouraging and resulted in several moderate intensity chargeability anomalies, coincident with areas of higher resistivity, and in some cases historically explored prospects.  The survey data remains to be further evaluated thorough inversions, which can generate a more accurate representation of the resistivity and chargeability distributions at deeper levels and better define drilling targets.

The survey revealed three main chargeability anomalies:

  • Lode 9 Anomaly: 500 m long; appears to strengthen with depth; coincides with Lode 9 Prospect and historic drill hole GR91-2 (7.2 metres grading 2.12% copper and 0.60 g/t gold).
  • West Anomaly:   300 m long; parallel to, and west of Lode 9 Anomaly; open to north; strong associated Cu and Zn soil anomalies; intensifies at depth; never drill tested.
  • Northeast Anomaly: 500 m long, open to north; hosted on mafic volcanic-gabbro contact; zinc soil anomaly coincident with IP; IP anomaly occurs on edge of survey – therefore no depth information; never drill tested.

In addition, a potential “Southeast” anomaly occurs on the edge of survey area, but remains poorly defined.  A rock sample collected by Golden Spike in 2022 over the IP anomaly assayed 1.22% Cu, 0.10% zinc, 1,350 ppm cobalt in silicified and chloritized volcanics with multiple sulphide bearing quartz veins.

2024 Exploration – Phase 1

Induced Polarization/Resistivity Survey (July-August 2024)

Golden Spike completed an Induced Polarization/Resistivity (“IP”) Survey at the Steep Brook Target between July 18 and August 4, 2024. (See August 19th, 2024 Release). The Steep Brook grid comprised of 11 line-kilometres of IP surveying by Simcoe Geoscience (“Simcoe”), based out of Stouffville, Ontario.  Simcoe employed their “Wireless” Time Domain Distributed IP Technology, which provided information to depths exceeding 300m.  The 100 m spaced, east-west oriented IP grid lines were centered over the projected trend of the VMS-corridor and are coincident with a 1,400 m long trend of several historical, anastomosing, >100 ppm copper soil anomalies and multiple historical rock samples that assayed up to 19.6% copper (average 3.3%), 27.4 g/t Au (average 1.06 g/t Au), 11.1 % Zn (average 0.23%), and 20.3 g/t Ag (average 5.2 g/t Ag). 

Simcoe also completed three, north-south oriented, 1.5 km long, 200 m spaced IP lines over the central portion of the Vein Zone (Figure 1), providing coverage over several of the vein-style prospects.  The Vein Zone comprises a series of high-grade, easterly-trending quartz-carbonate, copper +/-gold veins and fractures in an area with very little outcrop.  The IP program was designed to identify an IP signature below the known prospects at the Court A, B and C showings and then to trace that signature along strike over areas covered by soil and till horizons.  If successful, there is potential to add additional IP lines in the future to better define the targets in this area. 

Results of the IP survey are being processed and interpreted by Simcoe with the aim to generate drill targets for follow-up drill testing during the next phase of exploration expected to start later this fall. Simcoe will also further process and interpret the IP results over Lode 9, which was surveyed in 2023, with the aim to provide drill targets for this area as well. 

Prospecting and Sampling (July-August 2024)

Concurrent with the IP surveying, the Company also completed a program of prospecting and sampling over the Steep Brook area.  The prospecting revealed multiple zones of well-mineralized rock, with varying amounts of pyrite, chalcopyrite and bornite identified and visually corroborates the historical work. A total of 23 grab and float samples were collected over many of these outcrops, plus four separate, saw-cut, channel sample lines, together comprising 11 samples over 9.3 metres. All samples have been submitted to Eastern Analytical Ltd. laboratory in Springdale Newfoundland, where they will be assayed for gold by 30 g fire assay and 34 elements, including copper, lead, zinc, silver and cobalt by 4-acid digestion, ICP-OES.   Analytical results are pending and will be released once the laboratory provides the results and these have been reviewed by the Company.  As part of the sampling program the Company incorporated a quality assurance/quality control (“QAQC”) program that included the insertion of standards and blanks into the sample stream.

Soil Sampling (August 2024)

The 2024 Phase 1 work program also included 35 in-fill soil samples over portions of the Vein Zone that were previously soil sampled in 2022, but that work resulted in data gaps in crucial locations along strike from some of the most significant copper soil anomalies.  These areas could not be accessed during the original survey due to an early snowfall that made ground conditions very difficult but were easily accessed during the recent program. The results of these new soil samples will hopefully provide additional continuity for the significant soil anomalies and aid in drill hole targeting.  All soil samples have been submitted to Eastern Analytical Ltd. laboratory in Springdale Newfoundland, where they will be assayed for gold by 30 g fire assay and 34 elements, including copper, lead, zinc, silver and cobalt by 4-acid digestion, ICP-OES.   Analytical results are pending and will be released once the laboratory provides the results and these have been reviewed by the Company.

Next Steps

With Gregory River as the Company’s flagship exploration property, Golden Spike intends to continue its systematic exploration for both VMS-style copper-gold-zinc-silver mineralization and high-grade vein-hosted copper-gold mineralization.

Phase 2 of the 2024 exploration at Gregory River is being planned and will include:

  • Interpretation and Drill Target Generation: the recently completed IP results at Steep Brook and the Vein Zone, as well as the previously completed IP survey over Lode 9 (surveyed in 2023) are being modeled and interpreted by Simcoe Geoscience.  Drill holes will be planned to test the most significant anomalies. 
  • Diamond Drilling: to test key geophysical anomalies at both the Steep Brook and Lode 9 VMS targets and at the Vein Zone.  Exact locations and drill hole depths are still being determined.
  • Soil Sampling: North of Steep Brook Target; prime VMS target area that has never been explored.
  • Prospecting, Sampling, Mapping: Property-wide prospecting and sampling as well as target focused geological mapping and structural interpretation will continue, developing a base for future targeting.